How to copy a sqlite table from a disk database to a memory database in python? [duplicate]

this code is more general but maybe it can help you: import sqlite3 new_db = sqlite3.connect(‘:memory:’) # create a memory database old_db = sqlite3.connect(‘test.db’) query = “”.join(line for line in old_db.iterdump()) # Dump old database in the new one. new_db.executescript(query) EDIT : for getting your specify table you can just change in the for loop … Read more

Convert JSON to SQLite table

You have this python code: c.execute(“insert into medicoes values(?,?,?,?,?,?,?)” % keys) which I think should be c.execute(“insert into medicoes values (?,?,?,?,?,?,?)”, keys) since the % operator expects the string to its left to contain formatting codes. Now all you need to make this work is for keys to be a tuple (or list) containing the … Read more

How to do a FULL OUTER JOIN in SQLite?

Yes. See the Join (SQL) > Outer join > Full outer join article on Wikipedia. SELECT employee.*, department.* FROM employee LEFT JOIN department ON employee.DepartmentID = department.DepartmentID UNION ALL SELECT employee.*, department.* FROM department LEFT JOIN employee ON employee.DepartmentID = department.DepartmentID WHERE employee.DepartmentID IS NULL

How can I load an existing database file into memory in Python SQLite 3?

Here is the snippet that I wrote for my Flask application: import sqlite3 from io import StringIO def init_sqlite_db(app): # Read database to tempfile con = sqlite3.connect(app.config[‘SQLITE_DATABASE’]) tempfile = StringIO() for line in con.iterdump(): tempfile.write(‘%s\n’ % line) con.close() # Create a database in memory and import from tempfile app.sqlite = sqlite3.connect(“:memory:”) app.sqlite.cursor().executescript( app.sqlite.commit() app.sqlite.row_factory … Read more

In SQLite, do prepared statements really improve performance?

Prepared statements improve performance by caching the execution plan for a query after the query optimizer has found the best plan. If the query you’re using doesn’t have a complicated plan (such as simple selects/inserts with no joins), then prepared statements won’t give you a big improvement since the optimizer will quickly find the best … Read more
