How to view the data in sqlite file running in iphone application? [closed]

If you want to view your database when running on Simulator it is located at the following location user/Library/Application Support/iPhone Simulator/version of SDK(4.2eg)/Applications/4AF938D6-E981-4971-A588-3424B64E7EE7(eg)/Documents/yourdatabase.sqlite If you want to view the database in your device then you can use a software like iExplorer. Cheers Edit : The location of sqlite file has changed. It currently resides in … Read more

Sqlite and Python — return a dictionary using fetchone()?

There is actually an option for this in sqlite3. Change the row_factory member of the connection object to sqlite3.Row: conn = sqlite3.connect(‘db’, row_factory=sqlite3.Row) or conn.row_factory = sqlite3.Row This will allow you to access row elements by name–dictionary-style–or by index. This is much more efficient than creating your own work-around.

Getting the Last Insert ID with SQLite.NET in C#

Using C# (.net 4.0) with SQLite, the SQLiteConnection class has a property LastInsertRowId that equals the Primary Integer Key of the most recently inserted (or updated) element. The rowID is returned if the table doesn’t have a primary integer key (in this case the rowID is column is automatically created). See for more. As … Read more

Please elaborate on the use of `WITH` over `TRY CATCH` in this context

In general, a context manager is free to do whatever its author wants it to do when used. Set/reset a certain system state, cleaning up resources after use, acquiring/releasing a lock, etc. In particular, as Jon already writes, a database connection object creates a transaction when used as a context manager. If you want to … Read more

Destroy/Remove database in Rails

By issuing rake -T you have the following database tasks: rake db:create # Create the database from DATABASE_URL or config/database.yml for the current Rails.env (use db:create:all to create all dbs in the config) rake db:drop # Drops the database using DATABASE_URL or the current Rails.env (use db:drop:all to drop all databases) rake db:fixtures:load # Load … Read more
