Spring JPA Repository dynamic query [duplicate]

Per JB Nizet and the spring-data documentation, you should use a custom interface + repository implementation. Create an interface with the method: public interface MyEntityRepositoryCustom { List<User> findByFilterText(Set<String> words); } Create an implementation: @Repository public class MyEntityRepositoryImpl implements MyEntityRepositoryCustom { @PersistenceContext private EntityManager entityManager; public List<User> findByFilterText(Set<String> words) { // implementation below } } Extend … Read more

How to implement a Spring Data repository for a @MappedSuperclass

It’s just a matter of annotating the abstract Repository as @NoRepositoryBean: @NoRepositoryBean public interface Dao<T extends BaseClass, E extends Serializable> extends CrudRepository<T, E> { Iterable<T> findByActive(Boolean active); } This way Spring relies on the underlying repository implementation to execute the findByActive method. Regarding to the annotation type restriction issue, it’s not possible to declare an … Read more

Spring Data JPA NamedStoredProcedureQuery Multiple Out Parameters

It looks like @Procedure expects only one OUT parameter which is binded directly to the method return type… To handle multiple OUT params you can use the JPA API directly: StoredProcedureQuery proc = em.createNamedStoredProcedureQuery(“plus1”); proc.setParameter(“arg”, 1); proc.execute(); Integer res1 = (Integer) proc.getOutputParameterValue(“res1”); Integer res2 = (Integer) proc.getOutputParameterValue(“res2”); …

Spring Data MongoDB: how to implement “entity relationships”?

You can use the @DBRef annotation to persist the referenced class in a separate collection, else the document will be persisted in the same document (json). The use of DBRef require an extra query for the mongodb driver, you should consider this to analyze performance issues. From spring data documentation @DBRef – applied at the … Read more

Configuring base package for component scan in Spring boot test

Good to add the test config above I have the following in test config and any test case. I am new to spring boot test but it work. Let me know, if I am wrong. @Configuration @ComponentScan(“au.some.spring.package”) public class TestConfig { } @RunWith(SpringRunner.class) @EnableAutoConfiguration @SpringBootTest(classes= TestConfig.class) @TestPropertySource({“classpath:application.yml”, “classpath:env-${testing.env}.properties”}) public class DBDmoTest { @Autowired PartyRepository partyRepository; … Read more

Spring Data Join with Specifications

EDIT: Ok, I did quite a mess here, but I hope this time I’m closer to the right answer. Consider (id’s are auto-generated like 1 for John etc.): INSERT INTO some_user (name) VALUES (‘John’); INSERT INTO some_user (name) VALUES (‘Ariel’); INSERT INTO some_user (name) VALUES (‘Brian’); INSERT INTO some_user (name) VALUES (‘Kelly’); INSERT INTO some_user … Read more

Spring data CrudRepository exists

@Oleksandr’s answer is correct, but the only way I could get it to work is as follows. I’m using Eclipselink on PostgreSQL. public interface UserRepository extends JpaRepository<User, Long> { @Query(“SELECT CASE WHEN COUNT(u) > 0 THEN ‘true’ ELSE ‘false’ END FROM User u WHERE u.username = ?1”) public Boolean existsByUsername(String username); }

ReactiveCrudRepository to use Hibernate in spring

Is it possible to use Hibernate and Mysql with ReactiveCrudRepository instead of CrudRepository? TL;DR: Not with Hibernate and MySQL, but with R2DBC and Postgres, Microsoft SQL Server or H2. Take a look at Spring Data R2DBC. Long Version Why not JPA? With Hibernate/JPA included this won’t happen in the foreseeable future. JPA is based on … Read more

MongoDB Embedded Objects have no ID (null value)

MongoDB CRUD operations (insert, update, find, remove) all operate on top-level documents exclusively — although of course you can filter by fields in embedded documents. Embedded documents are always returned within the parent document. The _id field is a required field of the parent document, and is typically not necessary or present in embedded documents. … Read more

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