How to get all results from solr query?

I remember myself doing &rows=2147483647 2,147,483,647 is integer’s maximum value. I recall using a number bigger than that once and having a NumberFormatException because it couldn’t be parsed into an int. I don’t know if they use Long nowadays, but 2 billion rows is normally more than enough. Small note: Be careful if you are … Read more

What is the advantage of storing schema in avro?

Evolving schemas Suppose intially you designed an schema like this for your Employee class { {“name”: “emp_name”, “type”:”string”}, {“name”:”dob”, “type”:”string”}, {“name”:”age”, “type”:”int”} } Later you realized that age is redundant and removed it from the schema. { {“name”: “emp_name”, “type”:”string”}, {“name”:”dob”, “type”:”string”} } What about the records that were serialized and stored before this schema … Read more

Full text search: Whoosh Vs SOLR

Whoosh is actually very fast for a python-only implementation. That said, it’s still at least an order of magnitude slower. Depending on the amount of data you need to index and search and the requirements on the maximum allowable latency and concurrent searches, it may not be an option. SOLR is a bit of a … Read more

Boolean NOT in solr query

Use – to indicate NOT. For example, to query documents with id not starting with A59, the query would be: -id:A59*, that is: /solr/select/?q=-id:A59* To delete by query, post the query in a delete message to the update handler, as specified here. EDIT: NOT (all uppercase) can also be used as boolean operator

Solr date field tdate vs date?

Trie fields make range queries faster by precomputing certain range results and storing them as a single record in the index. For clarity, my example will use integers in base ten. The same concept applies to all trie types. This includes dates, since a date can be represented as the number of seconds since, say, … Read more

Rails app: Solr throwing RSolr::Error::Http – 404 Not Found when executing search

I came across the same issue when upgrading to sunspot 2.1.0 from 2.0.0. I resolved this by adding following line to sunspot.yml (under config in my rails app) on the development: block (maybe one is needed for test and production ) solr_home: solr So my SOLR installation is under rails-app-dir/solr and the configuration there under … Read more

Indexing .PDF, .XLS, .DOC, .PPT using Lucene.NET [closed]

You can also check out ifilters – there are a number of resources if you do a search for ifilters: Of course, there is added hassle if you are distributing this to client systems, because you will either need to include the ifilters with your distribution and install those with … Read more
