How to send message to client through websocket using Spring

I was able to solve my problem thanks to @Boris the Spider. The correct solution is to do something like that : @Controller @RequestMapping(“”) public class PhotoController { @Autowired private SimpMessagingTemplate template; @MessageMapping(“/form”) @SendTo(“/topic/greetings”) public Greeting validate(AddPhotosForm addPhotosForm) { FireGreeting r = new FireGreeting( this ); new Thread(r).start(); return new Greeting(“Hello world !”); } public … Read more

Spring WebSocket Connecting with SockJS to a different domain

Jax’s answer was correct 🙂 The registerStompEndpoints method gives us the opportunity to set the Allowed Origins. We need to add it before the “withSockJs()” option. @Override public void registerStompEndpoints(StompEndpointRegistry stompEndpointRegistry) { stompEndpointRegistry.addEndpoint(“/BO/socket”).setAllowedOrigins(“*”).withSockJS(); } or SockJS, which one to choose?

Have you looked at Primus? It offers the cookie requirements you mention, it supports all of the major ‘real-time’/websocket libraries available and is a pretty active project. To me it also sounds like vendor lock-in could be a concern for you and Primus would address that. The fact that it uses a plugin system should … Read more

Websocket in Spring Boot app – Getting 403 Forbidden

I had a similar issue and fixed it in the WebSocketConfig by setting the allowed origins to “*”. @Configuration @EnableWebSocketMessageBroker public class WebSocketConfig extends AbstractWebSocketMessageBrokerConfigurer { @Override public void registerStompEndpoints(StompEndpointRegistry registry) { // the endpoint for websocket connections registry.addEndpoint(“/stomp”).setAllowedOrigins(“*”).withSockJS(); } // remaining config not shown as not relevant }

Where “user” comes from in convertAndSendToUser works in SockJS+Spring Websocket?

We know we can send messages to the client from a stomp server using the topic prefixes that he is subscribed to e.g. /topic/hello. We also know we can send messages to a specific user because spring provides the convertAndSendToUser(username, destination, message) API. It accepts a String username which means if we somehow have a … Read more

How to unmarshal an escaped JSON string

You might want to use strconv.Unquote on your JSON string first 🙂 Here’s an example, kindly provided by @gregghz: package main import ( “encoding/json” “fmt” “strconv” ) type Msg struct { Channel string Name string Msg string } func main() { var msg Msg var val []byte = []byte(`”{\”channel\”:\”buu\”,\”name\”:\”john\”, \”msg\”:\”doe\”}”`) s, _ := strconv.Unquote(string(val)) err … Read more

Header in the response must not be the wildcard ‘*’ when the request’s credentials mode is ‘include’

Problem: You are not configuring ‘Access-Control-Allow-Origin’ correctly and your current configuration is simply ignored by the server. Situation: The Error stack trace says: The value of the ‘Access-Control-Allow-Origin’ header in the response must not be the wildcard ‘*’ when the request’s credentials mode is ‘include’. Origin ‘http://localhost:4200’ is therefore not allowed access. It means that … Read more

Path variables in Spring WebSockets @SendTo mapping

Even though @MessageMapping supports placeholders, they are not exposed / resolved in @SendTo destinations. Currently, there’s no way to define dynamic destinations with the @SendTo annotation (see issue SPR-12170). You could use the SimpMessagingTemplate for the time being (that’s how it works internally anyway). Here’s how you would do it: @MessageMapping(“/fleet/{fleetId}/driver/{driverId}”) public void simple(@DestinationVariable String … Read more

JSON Web Token (JWT) with Spring based SockJS / STOMP Web Socket

Current Situation UPDATE 2016-12-13 : the issue referenced below is now marked fixed, so the hack below is no longer necessary which Spring 4.3.5 or above. See Previous Situation Currently (Sep 2016), this is not supported by Spring except via query parameter as answered by @rossen-stoyanchev, who wrote a lot (all?) of the Spring … Read more