How do I (recursively) search ALL file contents in Windows 7?

“user3245549” is right: All of the above answers with “for loops” and nested bat files are mumbo jumbo. All you need is to just use “findstr” – example: C:\temp> findstr /S /C:”/work” * | more <– this will find the string “/work” in any file or C:\temp> findstr /S /C:”/work” “*.*” | more or C:\temp> … Read more

MySQL – Efficient search with partial word match and relevancy score (FULLTEXT)

The new InnoDB full-text search feature in MySQL 5.6 helps in this case. I use the following query: SELECT MATCH(column) AGAINST(‘(word1* word2*) (“word1 word1”)’ IN BOOLEAN MODE) score, id, column FROM table having score>0 ORDER BY score DESC limit 10; where ( ) groups words into a subexpression. The first group has like word% meaning; … Read more

Find files on Windows modified after a given date using the command line

The forfiles command works without resorting to PowerShell. The article is here: Find files based on modified time Microsoft Technet documentation: forfiles For the example above: forfiles /P <dir> /S /D +12/07/2013 /P The starting path to search /S Recurse into sub-directories /D Date to search, the “+” means “greater than” or “since”

When is a heuristic admissible but not consistent?

As Russel and Norvig point out in Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach (the most commonly used AI textbook) it is challenging to come up with a heuristic that is admissible but not consistent. Obviously, you can select values for nodes in a graph such that the heuristic they represent is admissible but not consistent. This … Read more

How to know if a PDF contains only images or has been OCR scanned for searching?

Scannned images converted to PDF which have been OCR’ed in the aftermath to make text searchable do normally contain the text parts rendered as “invisible”. So what you see on screen (or on paper when printed) is still the original image. But when you search successfully, you get the hits highlighted that are on the … Read more
