How to set up Java VM to use the root certificates (truststore) handled by Mac OS X

You can use the Apple JCA Provider to use the OSX keychain as the java trust store. Just start the JVM with the following system property: You can set this property for every started JVM using the JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS environment variable, as described in hagrawal’s answer.

Library for OAuth Provider (Java) [closed]

Scribe is an OAuth library for Java, written by the asker himself. 😉 Note: I post this here as an answer so that other googlers have a choice of alternatives. For another library-based alternative, see my other answer “Jersey OAuth signature library”. Some code to illustrate usage: OAuthService service = new ServiceBuilder() .provider(TwitterApi.class) .apiKey(“your_api_key”) .apiSecret(“your_api_secret”) … Read more