Limit on number of git branches

Yes, branches are free. Branching and merging is very easy. The scalability issues mentioned before comes only when synchronizing a vast amount of branches through the network (git fetch, git pull, git push). Locally you shouldn’t have any problem.

Stop Firefox DPI Scaling (when Windows setting is at 125%)

You could easily let your website address users with settings at higher zoom levels by including a media query like: @media only screen and( -webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 1.25 ), only screen and( -o-min-device-pixel-ratio: 5/4 ), only screen and( min-resolution: 120dpi ), only screen and( min-resolution: 1.25dppx ) { body { font-size: 1rem; } } See this article … Read more

Image scaling by CSS: is there a webkit alternative for -moz-crisp-edges?

WebKit now supports the CSS directive: image-rendering:-webkit-optimize-contrast; You can see it working in action using Chrome and the last image on this page: The rules used on that page are: .pixelated { image-rendering:optimizeSpeed; /* Legal fallback */ image-rendering:-moz-crisp-edges; /* Firefox */ image-rendering:-o-crisp-edges; /* Opera */ image-rendering:-webkit-optimize-contrast; /* Safari */ image-rendering:optimize-contrast; /* CSS3 Proposed */ … Read more