Does JSONP require server modifications?

Yes, JSONP is slightly different when it renders, so your server needs to support it. JSON looks like this: { “name”: “value” } Whereas JSONP looks like this: functionName({ “name”: “value” }); If whatever you’re using supports it you’re covered, but it’s not the same as supporting just JSON. When the server gets a request, … Read more

Wicket vs Vaadin

I think I’ve invested some time for both frameworks. I really like both because they bring the Swing-alike coding to web development. And I don’t know easier ones for me (although there is click but I don’t like the velocity templating thing) And yes, there are differences. I wont have to worry much about the … Read more

JavaFX – can it really be deployed in a browser? [closed]

Update for the March 2018 Java Client Roadmap I encourage readers interested in this question to review the following Oracle Whitepaper: Java Client Roadmap Update The above paper outlines the official Oracle position on related technologies (JavaFX/Swing/AWT/Applets/WebStart), the dates until which it intends to support those technologies and which of those technologies it intends to … Read more

What is WCF RIA services?

RIA services is a server-side technology that automatically generates client-side (Silverlight) objects that take care of the communication with the server for you and provide client-side validation. The main object inside a RIA service is a DomainService, usually a LinqToEntitiesDomainService that is connected to a LinqToEntities model. The key thing to remember in RIA services … Read more