How can I make Reveal.js work with a presenter remote?

What you want is that it would navigate to “next” instead of “right”, which is the default binding for right arrow key. You can achieve this by overriding the default key bindings. There is some documentation here: In your case you would like the right arrow key (keycode 39) to bind to “next” and … Read more

Randomize slides in reveal.js

While Reveal itself does not have this functionality built in, it does let you set up event hooks to do actions when all the slides are loaded, this means JQUERY TO THE RESCUE! You can combine Reveal’s “All slides are ready” event with simple javascript to reorder all the sections, here’s a simple PoC: First … Read more

How to use two-column layout with reveal.js?

I am using CSS flex, it is working fine. <style> .container{ display: flex; } .col{ flex: 1; } </style> <div class=”container”> <div class=”col”> Column 1 Content </div> <div class=”col”> Column 2 Content </div> </div> UPDATE: Since pandoc supports fenced div, ::: {.container} :::: {.col} Column 1 Content :::: :::: {.col} Column 2 Content :::: ::: … Read more