React-router “Cannot GET /*” except for root url

If you are using webpack-dev-server there is an option called history-api-fallback. If set to true 404s will fallback to /index.html. Add the option to devServer section of the Webpack config like this: devServer: { contentBase: ‘app/ui/www’, devtool: ‘eval’, hot: true, inline: true, port: 3000, outputPath: buildPath, historyApiFallback: true, }, Link to Webpack docs: webpack-dev-server … Read more

react-router : run is not a function

Since the release of React Router v1.0, the run method has been removed, these breaking changes are documented in the upgrade guide. Your code would roughly translate to this: ReactDOM.render(<Router>{routes}</Router>, document.getElementById(‘app’))

How to test a React component with RouteComponentProps?

To answer your last question, the recommended approach is to use <MemoryRouter>< *your component here* ></MemoryRouter> in your tests. Typescript does not pick up that this component will pass the required props to your component, as such I assume it not to be a type safe approach. This is for React Router v4 and doesn’t … Read more

Using multiple layouts for react-router components

You can use routes without a path to define containers that are not defined by the url: <Route path=”/” component={Containers.App}> { /* Routes that use layout 1 */ } <Route component={Containers.Layout1}> <IndexRoute component={Containers.Home}/> <Route path=”about” component={Containers.About}/> <Route path=”faq” component={Containers.Faq}/> <Route path=”etc” component={Containers.Etc}/> </Route> <Route component={Containers.Layout2}> { /* Routes that use layout 2 */ } <Route … Read more

Serve another(standalone) page or static file in website built with react

This should work: const reload = () => window.location.reload(); <Router> // all your routes.. … // Your special routes.. <Route path=”/sitemap.xml” onEnter={reload} /> <Route path=”/something.html” onEnter={reload} /> </Router> So, I think this should be pretty clear what it does 😉 Update: if this is an option you can simply put target=”_blank” attribute in your <Link> … Read more

React router – Update URL hash without re-rendering page

1.0 react-router no longer sets a key on your routes. If you do need to set a key from a route handler, put it on a surrounding element. return ( <div key={this.props.params.bookId}> {this.props.children} </div> ); 0.13 It’s now <ReactRouter.RouteHandler key=”anything” />, but this is also no longer really needed due to changes in react-router. See … Read more