Is there any way to access the current locale with React-Intl?

New answer – using hooks (see below for original) import { useIntl } from ‘react-intl’; const MyComponent: FC = () => { const intl = useIntl() return <div>{`Current locale: ${intl.locale}`}</div> } export default MyComponent Old answer You can get the current locale in any component of your App by simply accessing it from React Intl’s … Read more

React-Intl How to use FormattedMessage in input placeholder

The <Formatted… /> React components in react-intl are meant to be used in rendering scenarios and are not meant to be used in placeholders, alternate text, etc. They render HTML, not plain text, which is not useful in your scenario. Instead, react-intl provides a lower level API for exactly this same reason. The rendering components … Read more

react-intl vs react-i18next for ReactJS internationalization (i18n) [closed]

js-lingui I would like to present an alternative i18n libraries which I develop. works both with Vanilla JS (lingui-i18n) and React (lingui-react) lingui-react is the only library which fully supports inline components and rich formatting (see below) build on top of ICU MessageFormat includes also CLI (lingui-cli) for building message catalogs it uses Flow types … Read more

How to get list of all timezones in javascript

I recently created an array containing all timezones and found that a couple of official timezones were missing from Chromium 71.0.3578.98. You can see that array in this comment of the bug I reported. For convenience, I’ve included the array below: var aryIannaTimeZones = [ ‘Europe/Andorra’, ‘Asia/Dubai’, ‘Asia/Kabul’, ‘Europe/Tirane’, ‘Asia/Yerevan’, ‘Antarctica/Casey’, ‘Antarctica/Davis’, ‘Antarctica/DumontDUrville’, // … Read more