Typescript/React what’s the correct type of the parameter for onKeyPress?

This seems to work: handleKeywordKeyPress = (e: React.KeyboardEvent<FormControl>) =>{ if( e.key == ‘Enter’ ){ if( this.isFormValid() ){ this.handleCreateClicked(); } } }; The key(Ha ha) here, for me, was to specify React.KeyboardEvent, rather than KeyboardEvent. Trolling around the React code, I was seeing definitions like: type KeyboardEventHandler<T> = EventHandler<KeyboardEvent<T>>; But didn’t realise that when I was … Read more

How do I create a dynamic drop down list with react-bootstrap

You can start with these two functions. The first will create your select options dynamically based on the props passed to the page. If they are mapped to the state then the select will recreate itself. createSelectItems() { let items = []; for (let i = 0; i <= this.props.maxValue; i++) { items.push(<option key={i} value={i}>{i}</option>); … Read more

Changing style of a button on click

You can try to use state to store the color. Maybe this would give you the idea how to solve the problem : class Test extends React.Component { constructor(){ super(); this.state = { black: true } } changeColor(){ this.setState({black: !this.state.black}) } render(){ let btn_class = this.state.black ? “blackButton” : “whiteButton”; return ( <button className={btn_class} onClick={this.changeColor.bind(this)}> … Read more

ReactJS Bootstrap Navbar and Routing not working together

First of all, in your snippets it doesn’t seem like you’re wrapping your code in a Router, so you should make sure that you’re doing that inside App or in ReactDOM.render: import { BrowserRouter } from ‘react-router-dom’; ReactDOM.render( <BrowserRouter> <App /> </BrowserRouter>, rootElement ); Next, your specific problem is that you’re rendering react-bootstrap’s Nav.Link instead … Read more

Styled-components and react-bootstrap?

You can extend the style keeping the original styles of the component from bootstrap. You will find more documentation on using third party libraries like react bootstrap with styled-components here. const StyledButton = styled(Button)` color: palevioletred; font-size: 1em; margin: 1em; padding: 0.25em 1em; border: 2px solid palevioletred; border-radius: 3px; `; Here is a sandbox for … Read more

Advantages of using react-bootstrap over bootstrap

React-bootstrap creates React components for you. The advantage will be obvious if you consider how to do animations with the help of bootstrap in your React project. Without react-bootstrap, you need something like CSSTransitionGroup. You cannot take advantage of bootstrap’s API because it will manipulate the DOM, which makes the React behavior unpredictable. Also, bootstrap … Read more