AttributeError: ‘Context’ object has no attribute ‘wrap_socket’

As of 0.10, Werkzeug doesn’t support OpenSSL contexts anymore. This decision was made because it is easier to support ssl.SSLContext across Python versions. Your option to re-write this code is this one: if __name__ == “__main__”: context = (‘cert.crt’, ‘key.key’)”″, port=80, ssl_context=context, threaded=True, debug=True) See for all possibilities.

HTTPS connection Python

Python 2.x: Note: HTTPS support is only available if the socket module was compiled with SSL support. Python 3.x: Note HTTPS support is only available if Python was compiled with SSL support (through the ssl module). #!/usr/bin/env python import httplib c = httplib.HTTPSConnection(“”) c.request(“GET”, “”) response = c.getresponse() print response.status, response.reason data = … Read more

Python “pip install ” is failing with AttributeError: ‘module’ object has no attribute ‘SSL_ST_INIT’

I ran into this issue as well. The solution proposed to run pip doesn’t work because pip is broken too! I found this solved it for me: sudo python -m easy_install –upgrade pyOpenSSL This installed version 17.3.0 which was an upgrade to the (stock python-openssl on xenial) version ?0.15.1?. Note the massive change in version … Read more

Why is there a handshake failure when trying to run TLS over TLS with this code?

There are at least two problems with OnionProtocol: The innermost TLSMemoryBIOProtocol becomes the wrappedProtocol, when it should be the outermost; ProtocolWithoutConnectionLost does not pop any TLSMemoryBIOProtocols off OnionProtocol‘s stack, because connectionLost is only called after a FileDescriptors doRead or doWrite methods return a reason for disconnection. We can’t solve the first problem without changing the … Read more
