Google Chrome disable tab tooltip popup [closed]

The link provided in comments work. Pasting it here for direct solution. Visit Chrome://flags page Search for Tab hover, in the highlighted search results, for Tab Hover cards Select “Disabled ” and restart the Chrome browser. Do note the flags are temporary, may work for a couple of versions, after that they’ll disappear, this is … Read more

Popup window to return data to parent on close

In the calling (parent) window add such JS code: function HandlePopupResult(result) { alert(“result of popup is: ” + result); } In the child window code add this: function CloseMySelf(sender) { try { window.opener.HandlePopupResult(sender.getAttribute(“result”)); } catch (err) {} window.close(); return false; } And have such links to close the popup: <a href=”#” result=”allow” onclick=”return CloseMySelf(this);”>Allow</a> <a … Read more

How to make a Div appear on top of everything else on the screen? [closed]

z-index is not that simple friend. It doesn’t actually matter if you put z-index:999999999999….. But it matters WHEN you gave it that z-index. Different dom-elements take precedence over each other as well. I did one solution where I used jQuery to modify the elements css, and gave it the z-index only when I needed the … Read more

How would I implement stackoverflow’s hovering dialogs?

Although I was under the impression they used jQuery’s UI Dialog for this, I am not too sure anymore. However, it is not too difficult to whip this up yourself. Try this code: $(‘.showme’).click(function() { $(‘.error-notification’).remove(); var $err = $(‘<div>’).addClass(‘error-notification’) .html(‘<h2>Paolo is awesome</h2>(click on this box to close)’) .css(‘left’, $(this).position().left); $(this).after($err); $err.fadeIn(‘fast’); }); $(‘.error-notification’).live(‘click’, function() … Read more

IE8 losing session cookies in popup windows

This is ‘new’ functionality in IE8! Checkj out the IE8 blog below to read about it. IE8 can use multiple processes for handling an x number of IE windows. When you cross a process space, you loose your cookies (Asp.Net session ID seems to be retained over this process boundry). I personally think it’s … Read more
