How to get webDriver to wait for page to load (C# Selenium project)

I’ve been searching for alternatives and I’ve settled for the following versions. All use explicit wait with a defined timeout and are based on element properties in the first case and on element staleness in the second case. First choice would be checking element properties until a timeout is reached. I’ve arrived to the following … Read more

How to display a loading screen while site content loads

Typically sites that do this by loading content via ajax and listening to the readystatechanged event to update the DOM with a loading GIF or the content. How are you currently loading your content? The code would be similar to this: function load(url) { // display loading image here… document.getElementById(‘loadingImg’).visible = true; // request your … Read more

Is the “async” attribute/property useful if a script is dynamically added to the DOM?

The question is does s.async = true have a use for dynamically inserted scripts, or are these loaded asynchronously already. The answer is they aren’t loaded asynchronously in all browsers, as explained here (thanks to Markus Olsson for the link) script-inserted scripts execute asynchronously in IE and WebKit, but synchronously in Opera and pre-4.0 Firefox. … Read more

Is there a cross-browser onload event when clicking the back button?

Guys, I found that JQuery has only one effect: the page is reloaded when the back button is pressed. This has nothing to do with “ready“. How does this work? Well, JQuery adds an onunload event listener. // jQuery(window).bind(“unload”, function() { // … By default, it does nothing. But somehow this seems to trigger … Read more

$(document).ready equivalent without jQuery

There is a standards based replacement,DOMContentLoaded that is supported by over 99% of browsers, though not IE8: document.addEventListener(“DOMContentLoaded”, function(event) { //do work }); jQuery’s native function is much more complicated than just window.onload, as depicted below. function bindReady(){ if ( readyBound ) return; readyBound = true; // Mozilla, Opera and webkit nightlies currently support this … Read more

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