Padding in structures in C

I don’t think there’s an advantage for any of this structures. There is one(!) constant in this equation. The order of the members of the struct is guaranteed to be as declared. So in case like the following, the second structure might have an advantage, since it probably has a smaller size, but not in … Read more

Decorating Hex function to pad zeros

Starting with Python 3.6, you can: >>> value = 42 >>> padding = 6 >>> f”{value:#0{padding}x}” ‘0x002a’ for older python versions use the .format() string method: >>> “{0:#0{1}x}”.format(42,6) ‘0x002a’ Explanation: { # Format identifier 0: # first parameter # # use “0x” prefix 0 # fill with zeroes {1} # to a length of n … Read more

Encrypt and decrypt using PyCrypto AES-256

Here is my implementation, and it works for me with some fixes. It enhances the alignment of the key and secret phrase with 32 bytes and IV to 16 bytes: import base64 import hashlib from Crypto import Random from Crypto.Cipher import AES class AESCipher(object): def __init__(self, key): = AES.block_size self.key = hashlib.sha256(key.encode()).digest() def encrypt(self, … Read more

Is struct packing deterministic?

The compiler is deterministic; if it weren’t, separate compilation would be impossible. Two different translation units with the same struct declaration will work together; that is guaranteed by ยง6.2.7/1: Compatible types and composite types. Moreover, two different compilers on the same platform should interoperate, although this is not guaranteed by the standard. (It’s a quality … Read more

Get rid of spaces between spans

Another way besides njbair‘s one is to add font-size: 0 to parent element. I prefer this one because it’s aesthetically better for tab designing. Instead of this: <div id=”tabs”> <span id=”mytab1″>Tab 1</span><span id=”mytab2″>Tab 2</span><span id=”mytab3″>Tab 3</span> </div> …we can use this: <div id=”tabs” style=”font-size: 0;”> <span id=”mytab1″>Tab 1</span> <span id=”mytab2″>Tab 2</span> <span id=”mytab3″>Tab 3</span> </div> … Read more

How can we change the width/padding of a Flutter DropdownMenuItem in a Dropdown?

This feature has been added. See You can now wrap it in a ButtonTheme and set alignedDropdown to true. return Container( width: 300.0, child: DropdownButtonHideUnderline( child: ButtonTheme( alignedDropdown: true, child: DropdownButton( value: name, items: listOfDropdownMenuItems, onChanged: onChanged, style: Theme.of(context).textTheme.title, ), ), ), );