Can I still use Microsoft.Office.Interop assemblies with office 2013?

PIAs are a historical artifact, required only by old .NET versions (before v4). They have been thoroughly and elegantly replaced by the “Embed Interop Types” feature, also known as the “No PIA” feature. Supported since Visual Studio 2010, you’ll find it back in the Properties window when you select a reference assembly. It defaults to … Read more

Accessing Office Word object model through results in “failed due to the following error: 80070005 Access is denied.”

Ok, I resolved this problem with this steps: In the command line put DCOMCNFG Expand Console Root > Component Service > Computers, right-click on My Computer, And Select Properties In the Tab COM Security > Launch and Activation Permissions Click in Edit Default Add the User (Ex. IIS_IUSRS) or service Check Allow Local Launch and … Read more

The quest for the Excel custom function tooltip

I’ve posted a proof-of-concept project to GitHub as the Excel-DNA IntelliSense project, implementing this. Using the UI Automation classes to monitor the appropriate Excel user interface events, a form is displayed when appropriate. The code is wrapped as an Excel-DNA add-in, and works on my Excel 2013 / Windows 8 machine. I’ve tested on one … Read more

What reference do I need to use Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel in .NET?

Update (thanks user2347528) These assemblies are available as NuGet packages, which is much easier than my original answer. You can install by either right clicking on References in your project and selecting Manage NuGet packages… and searching for one of the packages listed below, or install using the Package Manager Console: PM> Install-Package Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel … Read more