Could not load dynamic library ‘’; dlerror: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory;

On Ubuntu 20.04, you can simply install NVIDIAs cuda toolkit cuda: sudo apt-get update sudo apt install nvidia-cuda-toolkit There are also install advices for Windows. The packge is around 1GB and it took a while to install… Some minutes later you need to export PATH variables so that it can be found: Find Shared Object … Read more

What’s the relation between nvidia driver, cuda driver and cuda toolkit?

From cuda document It seems cuda driver is which is included in nvidia driver and used by cuda runtime api Nvidia driver includes driver kernel module and user libraries. Cuda toolkit is an SDK contains compiler, api, libs, docs, etc…

Explanation of CUDA C and C++

CUDA C is a programming language with C syntax. Conceptually it is quite different from C. The problem it is trying to solve is coding multiple (similar) instruction streams for multiple processors. CUDA offers more than Single Instruction Multiple Data (SIMD) vector processing, but data streams >> instruction streams, or there is much less benefit. … Read more

Nvidia graphics driver causing noticeable frame stuttering

… or is there something I can do to fix it other telling people to disable Threaded “Optimization”? Yes. You can create custom “Application Profile” for your game using NVAPI and disable “Threaded Optimization” setting in it. There is a .PDF file on NVIDIA site with some help and code examples regarding NVAPI usage. In … Read more

How do I run nvidia-smi on Windows?

Nvidia-SMI is stored by default in the following location C:\Windows\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nvdm*\nvidia-smi.exe Where nvdm* is a directory that starts with nvdm and has an unknown number of characters after it. Note: Older installs may have it in C:\Program Files\NVIDIA Corporation\NVSMI You can move to that directory and then run nvidia-smi from there. However, the command prompt window … Read more