NuGet add external reference

The <references> element defines the references that will be added to the project when your package is installed. What you are missing is the part that defines the files that are part of your package which is done with the <files> element. So your .nuspec file should look something like the following: <?xml version=”1.0″?> <package> … Read more

CMake and MsVS-NuGet

EDIT: This answer does not apply to C++ projects. EDIT: As of CMake 3.15, CMake supports referencing Nuget packages with VS_PACKAGE_REFERENCES. Now, this is a much cleaner solution than the work-around proposed earlier below. To add a Nuget package reference to a CMake target, use the package name and package version separated by an _ … Read more

Unauthorized nuget package from Visual Studio Team Services using core rc2

I know that it’s not exactly the same issue, but people may come across this one alongside as I did. I have installed VS Community 2019​ and yesterday I decided to remove the VS 2017, but after that, when I tried to restore the Nuget Packages made by the company, it started displaying an error … Read more
