Installing Office Customization

You can try to delete a registry key located at: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\VSTA\Solutions\{GUID} The value of {GUID} will be different on your environment. Check to ensure that you’re deleting the right key. Confirm by checking the DWORD “Url” value at the key. Restart Excel and you should be good to go.

How can doc/docx files be converted to markdown or structured text?

Pandoc supports conversion from docx to markdown directly: pandoc -f docx -t markdown foo.docx -o foo.markdown Several markdown formats are supported: -t gfm (GitHub-Flavored Markdown) -t markdown_mmd (MultiMarkdown) -t markdown (pandoc’s extended Markdown) -t markdown_strict (original unextended Markdown) -t markdown_phpextra (PHP Markdown Extra) -t commonmark (CommonMark Markdown)

Beginning VSTO Development

Yeah, it can get confusing, especially given the skip-level naming conventions, etc. Essentially, you’ll need: Full version (not Express) of Visual Studio and the .NET version you’re targetting. One of the VSTO run times (VSTO 2003, VSTO 2005, VSTO 2005 SE, VSTO 2008, VSTO 2010). For what your asking, VSTO 2005 SE is probably your … Read more

Cannot debug or run Word AddIn because the required version of Microsoft Office is not installed

Apparently, when the addin project is created, debug information such as the MS Office version and the executable path used for debugging is saved in the .CSPROJ file. So debug is not guaranteed to work on another machine. This information is saved in following XML node of the project file: ProjectExtensions \ VisualStudio \ FlavorProperties … Read more

Detect whether Office is 32bit or 64bit via the registry

From TechNet article on 64-bit editions of Office 2010: If you have installed Office 2010 including Microsoft Outlook 2010, Outlook sets a registry key named Bitness of type REG_SZ on the computer on which it is installed. The Bitness registry key indicates whether the Outlook 2010 installation is 32-bit or 64-bit. This may be useful … Read more

What are “Microsoft Office Protocol Discovery” and “OfficeLiveConnector” and why do they access invalid URLs?

Microsoft has a kb article (link currently broken, Internet Archive snapshot) that covers Protocol Discovery in fine detail. Essentially, Office is trying to determine if your server supports WebDAV (or something like it) so that changes the user makes to the Office document can be pushed back directly to the server.