Cloud connectivity for MQTT and AMQP?

The big difference here to point out is : are we speaking about AMQP 0.x or AMQP 1.0. They are two completely different protocols and only the latter is a ISO/IEC standard supported by the main open sources products like ActiveMQ and Artemis brokers, Qpid Proton clients and Qpid Dispatch Router. Products like RabbitMQ support … Read more

Is message order preserved in MQTT messages?

A summary of the message ordering capabilities in MQTT 3.1.1 can be found in the specification itself here. In summary: no guarantees are made about the relative ordering of messages published with different QoS values. (for example, QoS 0 can over take QoS 2 for example as it involves a single packet rather than the … Read more

Can a web browser use MQTT?

Yes, as mentioned in Steve-o’s comment MQTT via websockets is very possible. There are 2 options at the moment IBM’s MQ 7.5 comes with websockets support, you can find details here. The Mosquitto broker has a javascript client with an example running here. To answer your second question lighttpd has a websockets module that can … Read more

What is the difference between MQTT broker and Apache Kafka

The main motive behind Kafka is scalability. MQTT is a protocol with public specification for lightweight client / message broker communications, allowing publish/subscribe exchanges. Multiple implementations of client libraries and brokers (Mosquitto, JoramMQ…) exist and are virtually compatible. MQTT just specifies the transport, and vaguely the application part (i.e. how data is handled and possibly … Read more