HTML: Multiple language meta descriptions?
Check this post from Google Webmaster Central Blog: “Google tries to determine the main languages of each one of your pages. You can help to make language recognition easier if you stick to only one language per page and avoid side-by-side translations. Although Google can recognize a page as being in more than one … Read more
Meta Tag “apple-mobile-web-app-capable” for Android?
Chrome on Android now supports a meta-tag mobile-web-app-capable: Since Chrome M31, you can set up your web app to have an application shortcut icon added to a device’s homescreen, and have the app launch in full-screen “app mode” using Chrome for Android’s “Add to homescreen” menu item. For details about the mobile-web-app-capable meta-tag, scroll down … Read more
Why CSRF token should be in meta tag and in cookie?
To prevent CSRF you need a value that is submitted with the request that cannot be sent by a malicious site. Authentication cookies are not suitable because if an attacker can make the browser send a request to the victim site, the cookies will automatically be submitted. For example, by submitting a form via JavaScript … Read more
html5 meta tag cache-control no longer valid?
Putting caching instructions into meta tags is not a good idea, because although browsers may read them, proxies won’t. For that reason, they are invalid and you should send caching instructions as real HTTP headers.
Is there a standardized (meta?) tag for the date of a website?
There have been a few WHATWG Meta Extension proposals, referenced in the HTML5 specification which could cater for the creation date of a page. “Accepted” Proposals dcterms.available – The date the resource became available. dcterms.created – The creation date of the resource. dcterms.dateAccepted – The date the resource was accepted. dcterms.submitted – The date the … Read more
How can I update meta tags in AngularJS?
<html ng-app=”app”> <title ng-bind=”metaservice.metaTitle()”>Test</title> <meta name=”description” content=”{{ metaservice.metaDescription() }}” /> <meta name=”keywords” content=”{{ metaservice.metaKeywords() }}” /> <script> var app = angular.module(‘app’,[]); app.service(‘MetaService’, function() { var title=”Web App”; var metaDescription = ”; var metaKeywords=””; return { set: function(newTitle, newMetaDescription, newKeywords) { metaKeywords = newKeywords; metaDescription = newMetaDescription; title = newTitle; }, metaTitle: function(){ return title; }, … Read more
How to stop chrome from caching
as per this bug report in chromium repo, users find that using no-store instead of no-cache will fix it in chrome.
Changing meta-tags dynamic with jQuery
I think you should escape : look at the documentation No need of “:”. $(“meta[property=’og\\title’]”).attr(“content”, result.title);