Eclipse giving me Invalid arguments ‘ Candidates are: void * memset(void *, int, ?) ‘ though I know the args are good

In Eclipse: right click the project click properties Expand “C/C++ general“ the item in the left hand tree view by clicking the arrow, (just clicking the item itself does not expand the suboptions) From the suboptions select “Preprocessor Include Paths, Macros etc.“ Click the “Providers“ tab Check the box next to “CDT GCC Built-in Compiler … Read more

Is it safe to memset bool to 0?

Is it guaranteed by the law? No. C++ says nothing about the representation of bool values. Is it guaranteed by practical reality? Yes. I mean, if you wish to find a C++ implementation that does not represent boolean false as a sequence of zeroes, I shall wish you luck. Given that false must implicitly convert … Read more

How to use VC++ intrinsic functions w/o run-time library

I think I finally found a solution: First, in a header file, declare memset() with a pragma, like so: extern “C” void * __cdecl memset(void *, int, size_t); #pragma intrinsic(memset) That allows your code to call memset(). In most cases, the compiler will inline the intrinsic version. Second, in a separate implementation file, provide an … Read more

Is there analog of memset in go?

The simplest solution with a loop would look like this: func memsetLoop(a []int, v int) { for i := range a { a[i] = v } } There is no memset support in the standard library, but we can make use of the built-in copy() which is highly optimized. With repeated copy() We can set … Read more

How to provide an implementation of memcpy

Aha I checked in the glibc code and there’s a inhibit_loop_to_libcall modifier which sounds like it should do this. It is defined like this: /* Add the compiler optimization to inhibit loop transformation to library calls. This is used to avoid recursive calls in memset and memmove default implementations. */ #ifdef HAVE_CC_INHIBIT_LOOP_TO_LIBCALL # define inhibit_loop_to_libcall … Read more

Should C++ programmer avoid memset?

In C++ std::fill or std::fill_n may be a better choice, because it is generic and therefore can operate on objects as well as PODs. However, memset operates on a raw sequence of bytes, and should therefore never be used to initialize non-PODs. Regardless, optimized implementations of std::fill may internally use specialization to call memset if … Read more

Using memset for integer array in C

No, you cannot use memset() like this. The manpage says (emphasis mine): The memset() function fills the first n bytes of the memory area pointed to by s with the constant byte c. Since an int is usually 4 bytes, this won’t cut it. If you (incorrectly!!) try to do this: int arr[15]; memset(arr, 1, … Read more