Check if a pandas Series has at least one item greater than a value
You could use any method to check if that condition is True at least for the one value: In [36]: (s > 1).any() Out[36]: True
You could use any method to check if that condition is True at least for the one value: In [36]: (s > 1).any() Out[36]: True
It’s true that the default SQL Membership Provider does not allow username changes. However, there’s no intrinsic reason to prevent users from changing their usernames if you have a valid argument, on your site, to allow it. None of the tables in the SQL database have the username as a key, everything is based on … Read more
A network-related or instance-specific error occurred while establishing a connection to SQL Server. The server was not found or was not accessible. text Generally issues like this are related to any of the following need to be looked at: firewall settings from the web server to the database server connection string errors enable the appropriate … Read more
You are running into comparison operator chaining; 1 in () == False does not mean (1 in ()) == False. Rather, comparisons are chained and the expression really means: (1 in ()) and (() == False) Because (1 in ()) is already false, the second half of the chained expression is ignored altogether (since False … Read more
Put this in Login1_Authenticate before calling Response.Redirect(“/admin/default.aspx”); FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie(“username”, true);
Click on “Edit Profile” on the top right of App Store Connect while you are on the team you want to leave. Scroll down to the bottom and select “Leave Team”.
This issue was fixed by restarting ASP.NET Development Server on windows taskbar. Or permanently by adding ‘Pooling=False;’ to the connection string should solve the issue.
string newPassword = Membership.GeneratePassword(15, 0); newPassword = Regex.Replace(newPassword, @”[^a-zA-Z0-9]”, m => “9” ); This regular expression will replace all non alphanumeric characters with the numeric character 9.
The semantics of ‘contains’ is not straightforward at all. In general, it would be better to use ‘index’ to test if an array has a specific value, e.g. .fruit | index( “orange” ) However, if the item of interest is itself an array, the general form: ARRAY | index( [ITEM] ) should be used, e.g.: … Read more
EDIT: Do not use the Membership Provider as-is because it is horridly inadequate in terms of protecting user’s passwords In light of the fact that googling “membership provider hashing algorithm” turns up this answer as the first result, and the gospel that will be inferred, it behoves me to warn folks about using the Membership … Read more