Change font size macvim?

The default font is Bitstream Vera (search for ‘default font’ on that page). So why not just specify that, but with a different font size? E.g. :set guifont=Bitstream\ Vera\ Sans\ Mono:h14 This approach also ensures that if in future the default changes (e.g. to the system default, Monaco), you will still have your preferred font … Read more

How to see which plugins are making Vim slow?

You can use built-in profiling support: after launching vim do :profile start profile.log :profile func * :profile file * ” At this point do slow actions :profile pause :noautocmd qall! (unlike quitting noautocmd is not really required, it just makes vim quit faster). Note: you won’t get information about functions there were deleted before vim … Read more

What is the in a .vimrc file?

The <Leader> key is mapped to \ by default. So if you have a map of <Leader>t, you can execute it by default with \+t. For more detail or re-assigning it using the mapleader variable, see :help leader To define a mapping which uses the “mapleader” variable, the special string “<Leader>” can be used. It … Read more