Slick2D vs Straight LWJGL

I don’t think the two are really related. I mean, I know Slick is built on top of LWGJL, but that’s not what I’m getting at here. Slick exists to take advantage of the hardware graphics and sound acceleration, and to give that power to 2D games with a set of objects and classes that … Read more

java and libGDX / LWJGL game fullscreen wrong size for multiple monitors on Ubuntu

I would refrain from using Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit() and use solely lwjgl.util.Display.getAvailableDisplayModes() or the method described by libgdx. Once you have set up a fullscreen window, fetch its size (if your set-up method doesn’t already know that) and only use this information from thereon. If Display.getAvailableDisplayModes() changes its sort order on different executions, simply re-sort them and … Read more