Using adb logcat with a real phone (and not the emulator)

Enable USB debugging on your device. Connect the device to computer Use these commands: Get the “device id” adb devices example: $ adb devices List of devices attached 5856423841563398 device emulator-5554 device To specify the device when using logcat adb -s “device id” logcat example: $ adb -s 5856423841563398 logcat ——— beginning of crash 03-31 … Read more

Saving Logcat to a text file in Android Device

Use an Application class at the beginning of your app. That allows a proper file and log handling. Code below creates a log file at the following location: /ExternalStorage/MyPersonalAppFolder/logs/logcat_XXX.txt XXX is the current time in milliseconds. Every time you run your app, a new logcat_XXX.txt file will be created. public class MyPersonalApp extends Application { … Read more

E/libEGL: validate_display:99 error 3008 (EGL_BAD_DISPLAY) API 24 or higher

After reading through different documentations and questions with a similar issue to yours it seems like WebView was one cause of the problem where users simply removed the implementation which resolved their error. In this github thread a user had this solution: I had the same issue when I tried to load webview on Dialog. … Read more