OOo/LibreOffice UNO / Java: How to get calling spreadsheet cell of a calc function?

It looks like you want to register a listener to a spreadsheet component. To satisfy your goal, you could add the listener to the spreadsheet object it self, or to another nested object that implements an interface that supports an add.+EventListener() method. Below is a pair (broadcaster/listener) that I can think you could use in … Read more

How do I embed source code or HTML in Open Office Org Presentations without using screenshots?

Some people says that copying code from Eclipse editor works well (UPDATE: Proven FALSE). Another alternative is exporting to RTF (can also export line numbers), or to clipboard, from Highlight and then opening/pasting it in (UPDATE: Proven TRUE) Here is a Highlight GUI screen shot: You can also switch from to LibreOffice, and … Read more

Command `libreoffice –headless –convert-to pdf test.docx –outdir /pdf` is not working [closed]

I would first of all try it with giving absolute paths to the command. I suspect that the libreoffice binary does not work — you have to locate the soffice binary and see if that works. Then, your –convert-to pdf is not sufficient. It needs to be: –convert-to pdf:writer_pdf_Export Be sure to follow exactly this … Read more
