How to add self signed SSL certificate to jHipster sample app?

These instructions are applicable for all Spring Boot applications, on which JHipster is based. I have tested this on a newly generated JHipster 2.7 project. You need to complete these steps when starting from scratch: Generate a self-signed certificate Add the SSL properties to your or application.yml as mentioned in the Spring Boot documentation … Read more

Unable to register MBean [HikariDataSource (HikariPool-0)] with key ‘dataSource’

I was having a similar issue, with 2 jhipster application instances running alongside on a single tomcat server. I posted this also in From Every JMX MBean must have an object name. The object name is an instance of the JMX class ?ObjectName and must conform to the syntax defined by the JMX … Read more

Spring Security – Authorize Request for certain URL & HTTP-Method using HttpSecurity

Take a look here which has http .httpBasic().and() .authorizeRequests() .antMatchers(HttpMethod.POST, “/employees”).hasRole(“ADMIN”) .antMatchers(HttpMethod.PUT, “/employees/**”).hasRole(“ADMIN”) .antMatchers(HttpMethod.PATCH, “/employees/**”).hasRole(“ADMIN”);

Communication between two microservices

I’m not sure if what I am going to answer is thé right way. I’m still learning myself.. But I can tell you how I’ve implemented my microservices attempts.. First, I started with HTTP communication based microservices using this blog. This works fine, but the problem is, that you create dependendies between your services. Service … Read more

How to modify existing entity generated with jhipster?

1) Edit the json file representing your entity (add/remove field, the syntax is pretty easy, check in the end of the file if is required any change to the general entity properties like ‘fieldsContainOneToMany’…), you’ll find it in: <jhipster_root_folder>/.jhipster/entityName.json 2) Build the code. 3) In the root of your project run the command: yo jhipster:entity … Read more

How to set the max size of upload file

Also in Spring boot 1.4, you can add following lines to your to set the file size limit: spring.http.multipart.max-file-size=128KB spring.http.multipart.max-request-size=128KB for spring boot 2.x and above its spring.servlet.multipart.max-file-size=10MB spring.servlet.multipart.max-request-size=10MB Worked for me. Source: UPDATE: Somebody asked the differences between the two properties. Below are the formal definitions: MaxFileSize: The maximum size allowed for … Read more