Linking using g++ fails searching for -lstdc++

Posting for future reference, a solution I found was to install g++-multilib. I had the same incompatible problem relating to -lstdc++ on g++ version 4.6.1 On further probing: g++-multilib is a dummy package which installed g++4.6-multilib which in turn installed the appropriate under the /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/4.6/32 folder.

Getting active window information in Java

Save yourself some pain and use JNA. You will need to download jna.jar and jna-platform.jar for the Win32 API. The pinvoke wiki and MSDN are useful for finding the right system calls. Anyway, here is the code to print the title and process of the currently active window. import static enumeration.EnumerateWindows.Kernel32.*; import static enumeration.EnumerateWindows.Psapi.*; import … Read more
