What is the meaning of the “Application Requires iPhone Environment” key in info.plist?

Here’s Apple’s documentation on the “LSRequiresiPhoneOS” bits of an application’s info.plist file. Basically all it means is that the app is designed to run under iOS. This flag should be set to YES no matter if the target device is an iPhone, iPod Touch or iPad. Who knows, maybe in the not-so-distant future, MacOS will … Read more

iOS: Access app-info.plist variables in code

Attributes from the info.plist for your project are directly accessible by the following… [[NSBundle mainBundle] objectForInfoDictionaryKey:key_name]; For example to get the version number you might do the following NSString *appVersion = [[NSBundle mainBundle] objectForInfoDictionaryKey:@”CFBundleVersion”]; There is a gotcha in that the version number now has two attributes in the info.plist – but you get the … Read more

Do remote push notifications require to add UIBackgroundModes in Info.plist?

Yes, you should enable Background Modes/Remote notifications to be able to use remote notifications for background updates. The easiest way to do this is via the project settings. Navigate to Targets -> Your App -> Capabilities -> Background Modes and check Remote notifications. This will automatically enable the required settings.

Error Appstore connect : Missing Purpose String in Info.plist File

EDIT April 2019 : You now have to add these two keys, as spring 2019 has begun. Note that NSLocationAlwaysUsageDescription is now deprecated (since iOS 11) and has been replaced with NSLocationAlwaysAndWhenInUseUsageDescription and NSLocationWhenInUseUsageDescription. If you want to support lower than iOS 11, you’ll have to use the three values. To sum up you have … Read more
