What makes Haskell’s type system more “powerful” than other languages’ type systems?

What is it, specifically, that makes Haskell’s type system It has been engineered for the past decade to be both flexible — as a logic for property verification — and powerful. Haskell’s type system has been developed over the years to encourage a relatively flexible, expressive static checking discipline, with several groups of researchers identifying … Read more

What is Hindley-Milner?

Hindley-Milner is a type system discovered independently by Roger Hindley (who was looking at logic) and later by Robin Milner (who was looking at programming languages). The advantages of Hindley-Milner are It supports polymorphic functions; for example, a function that can give you the length of the list independent of the type of the elements, … Read more

What part of Hindley-Milner do you not understand?

The horizontal bar means that “[above] implies [below]”. If there are multiple expressions in [above], then consider them anded together; all of the [above] must be true in order to guarantee the [below]. : means has type ∈ means is in. (Likewise ∉ means “is not in”.) Γ is usually used to refer to an … Read more