Postgres on Heroku and dumping single table to dump file

You can dump a single table of data like so: $ pg_dump –no-acl –no-owner -h [host ip] -U [user name] -t [table name] –data-only [database name] > table.dump You can get all of the values needed with this: $ heroku pg:credentials:url [DATABASE] -a [app_name] Connection info string: “dbname=[database name] host=[host ip] port=5432 user=[user name] password=[password] … Read more

Heroku: Login system – authentication loop failure

I started getting this error very recently. I believe it’s linked to a recent email that I got regarding password requirement changes: Heroku will start resetting user account passwords today, May 4, 2022, as mentioned in our previous notification. We recommend that you reset your user account password in advance here and follow the best … Read more

Heroku Review Apps: copy DB to review app

I ran into this same issue and here is how I solved it. Set up the database url you want to copy from as an environment variable on the base app for the pipeline. In my case this is STAGING_DATABASE_URL. The url format is postgresql://username:password@host:port/db_name. In your app.json file make sure to copy that variable … Read more

Heroku not recognized as an internal or external command (Windows)

You’re probably using an old version or the deprecated package ‘heroku-cli’. The new one is just called ‘heroku’ Uninstall that by npm uninstall -g heroku-cli Then install the new package npm i -g heroku And now all your works will go perfectly.Just try heroku login and any other heroku command. Credit: