Why does String.hashCode() in Java have many conflicts? [closed]

I just hashed 58 thousand English language words (found here), both all-lowercase and also with the first letter capitalized . Know how many collided? Two: “Siblings” and “Teheran” (an alternate spelling of “Tehran”). Just like you, I took a subdomain (in my case a likely one) of possible strings and analyzed the hashCode collision rate … Read more

Hashcode of an int

For the hashCode of an int the most natural choice is to use the int itself. A better question is what to use for the hashCode of a long since it doesn’t fit into the int-sized hashcode. Generally, your best source for that—and all hashCode-related questions—would be Effective Java. Here’s what Effective Java recommends (and … Read more

If Java’s garbage collector moves objects, what is Object.hashCode and System.identityHashCode?

.NET’s implementation is intentionally not published (and when you attempt to decompile it, you will find that it makes an unmanaged framework call). The only documentation as such is here, which only states that it is “not guaranteed to produce a different value for each object”, and “may change between framework versions”. Making any assumptions … Read more

Why do string hash codes change for each execution in .NET?

Why do hash codes for string change for every execution in .NET In short to prevent hash collision attacks. You can roughly find out the reason from the docs of the <UseRandomizedStringHashAlgorithm> configuration element: The string lookup in a hash table is typically an O(1) operation. However, when a large number of collisions occur, the … Read more

How to teach eclipse to generate compact equals() and hashCode() from the jdk 7 Objects class?

hashCode and equals generation using the Java 7 Objects class has now been implemented in Eclipse. I was working on the feature request 424214 back in August 2018 and my contributions were merged in the JDT UI codebase shortly afterwards (see commit f543cd6). Here’s an overview of the new option in the Source > Generate … Read more
