Random “peer not authenticated” exceptions with Java SSLContextImpl$TLS10Context

Judging by the symptoms, I’m guessing this is related to browsers using TLS false start, which is a client-side trick Google introduced to reduce the back-and-forth in TLS: False Start is largely controlled by the browser and works by reducing the two round-trip passes of data described in official SSL specifications to a single round-trip … Read more

Validate haproxy.cfg

The official HaProxy configuration file check was buried in the help sections. /usr/local/sbin/haproxy –help There are two ways to check the haproxy.cfg syntax is to use.. One way is the /usr/local/sbin/haproxy -c -V -f /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg which validates the file syntax. The -c switch in the command represents the Check, while the others denote “Verbose” & … Read more

http keep-alive in the modern age

Hey since I’m the author of this citation, I’ll respond 🙂 There are two big issues on large sites : concurrent connections and latency. Concurrent connection are caused by slow clients which take ages to download contents, and by idle connection states. Those idle connection states are caused by connection reuse to fetch multiple objects, … Read more

Difference between global maxconn and server maxconn haproxy

Willy got me an answer by email. I thought I would share it. His answers are in bold. I have a question about my haproxy config: #——————————————————————— # Global settings #——————————————————————— global log syslog emerg maxconn 4000 quiet user haproxy group haproxy daemon #——————————————————————— # common defaults that all the ‘listen’ and ‘backend’ sections … Read more