Failed to execute ‘postMessage’ on ‘Window’ GoogleTagManager

This happens all the time, if something can not be duplicated by the structured clone algorithm. This algorithm is used by window.postMessage. If we read the documentation from window.postMessage for the first parameter: message Data to be sent to the other window. The data is serialized using the structured clone algorithm. and then open the … Read more

How to avoid issue related to Google Tag Manger in page speed to improve perfomance?

Google Tag Manager is by definition a performance impediment. Its only purpose is to allow non-technical people to dump random garbage very important third-party scripts on a site. If you bypass GTM by inserting the external tags/scripts that you want on your site directly, it will improve performance immediately. If you can’t do that, you … Read more

404 error for Google Tag Manager

You need to publish a version of your container. If it is not published, the request will return a 404 error. To publish your current workspace: Click Submit at the top right hand side of the screen. The Submit Changes screen will appear, with options to publish the container and save a version of your … Read more

What is the difference between google tag manager and google analytics?

Google Analytics‘ main job is really just generating the reports and statistics about your website, like how many people saw your website yesterday, what web browser they used, which pages were the most popular, etc. The only way it can know this stuff is if you put a “tag” on all of your pages. The … Read more