How to build html link to a google calendar event?

There is a way! To view a public calendar event, use a link of the form:{event-id}&ctz={timezone} where {event-id} is the unique event id, and {timezone} is one of these time zones. Here’s an example: link to a specific public calendar event. If you have editing rights to the calendar this event is from, you … Read more

How do I connect to the Google Calendar API without the oAuth authentication?

If I’m not wrong, they’ve launched Service Account for this now: Edit: Here’s the modification from their Prediction API session_start(); require_once “google-api-php-client/src/Google_Client.php”; require_once “google-api-php-client/src/contrib/Google_CalendarService.php”; const CLIENT_ID = ‘…’; const SERVICE_ACCOUNT_NAME = ‘…’; // Make sure you keep your key.p12 file in a secure location, and isn’t // readable by others. const KEY_FILE = ‘…’; … Read more

403 Error – Thats an error. Error: disallowed_useragent

In my case I was using native web view to login with Google, I find out the way that you should provide user agent to webview it was worked for me. Try below code I am sure it will worked. Add the code in application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions Objective C NSDictionary *dictionary = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:@”Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT … Read more

“ImportError: file_cache is unavailable” when using Python client for Google service account file_cache

I am a bit late to the party here but I had a similar problem today and found the answer here Solution to only the error : file_cache is unavailable when using oauth2client >= 4.0.0 Solution: change your to have the field cache_discovery=False i.e, version, http=http, cache_discovery=False)

What parameters are required to create an “Add to Google Calendar” link?

Explanation about the available parameters: anchor address: This is the base of the address before the parameters below. action: action=TEMPLATE A default required parameter. src: Example: Format: src=text This is not covered by Google help but is an optional parameter in order to add an event to a shared calendar rather than a … Read more

Google Calendar Push Notifications SetUp

Create a notification channel for every individual resource, then any modification to that resource you will be then notified. Information below is directly from Google (Creating notification channels). Making watch requests: Each watchable Google Calendar API resource has an associated watch method at a URI of the following form:**apiName**/**apiVersion**/**resourcePath**/watch To set up a notification … Read more