How to serve other vhosts next to Gitlab Omnibus server? [Full step-by-step solution]

About these But Omnibus listen 80 and doesn’t seem to use neither Apache2 or Nginx [, thus …]. and @stdob comment : Did omnibus not use nginx as a web server ??? – Wich I responded I guess not because nginx package isn’t installed in the system … In facts From Gitlab official docs : … Read more

How do I use let’s encrypt with gitlab?

The by far best solution I was able to find for now is described in this blog post. I won’t recite everything, but the key points are: Use the webroot authenticator for Let’s Encrypt Create the folder /var/www/letsencrypt and use this directory as webroot-path for Let’s Encrypt Change the following config values in /etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb and … Read more

High memory usage for Gitlab CE

I also had problems with gitlab’s high memory consumption. So I ran the linux tool htop. In my case I found out that the postgresl service used most of the memory. With postgres service running 14.5G of 16G were used I stopped one gitlab service after the other and found out that when I stop … Read more

How to remove merge request from GitLab server

Web UI Option Today I discovered a way to do this with the Web UI. So for Merge Request 14 On the bottom Right you should see a red Delete button. PowerShell Option Invoke-RestMethod -Method Delete -Uri ‘’ -Headers @{‘PRIVATE-TOKEN’=’PRIVATE_TOKEN_GOES_HERE’}