Work-around for failing “git svn clone” (requiring full history)

I ran into this problem when I had identically-named subdirectories within branches or tags. For example, I had tags candidates/1.0.0 and releases/1.0.0, and this caused the documented error because subdirectory 1.0.0 appears within both candidates and releases. Per git-svn docs: When using multiple –branches or –tags, git svn does not automatically handle name collisions (for … Read more

git svn clone –password pass gives “Unknown option: password”

git svn uses SVN commands directly and thus the internally saved password of SVN. Run the command: svn checkout –username user –password pass svn://server/repo and let SVN remember your password. If this does not work remove the saved SVN authentications: $HOME/.subversion/auth/svn.simple/* Then git svn clone will prompt you for the password.

How to have git-svn take care of empty directories gracefully?

Use rmdir argument or config parameter: –rmdir Only used with the dcommit, set-tree and commit-diff commands. Remove directories from the SVN tree if there are no files left behind. SVN can version empty directories, and they are not removed by default if there are no files left in them. git cannot version empty directories. Enabling … Read more

Git-SVN: Update Git repo from centralized SVN server

Best way to work on a Subversion Repository via Git: git svn init -s https://svn.repo/app/ myrepo assuming that under https://svn.repo/app/ the repo contains the standard /trunk, branches and tags subdirectories Do a git svn fetch in myrepo until no more commits are fetched (may take quite some time and sometimes aborts under Windows). Checkout a … Read more

What does this svn2git error mean?

I had to open up the .git/config file and delete all the branches and tags entries under the svn-remote section and run the ‘git svn clone’ command for this error to go away. Apparently, if I run this command multiple times (usually stop and re-start from a revision), the branch/tag entries get added to the … Read more

git-svn rejected Basic challenge now that VPN is required

take a look at this snipped from your error code: Authorization failed: OPTIONS of ‘https://<redacted>:2443/svn/LS/branches/PRODUCTION-SUPPORT-1/ls-policygen’: authorization failed: Could not authenticate to server: ignored NTLM challenge, rejected Basic challenge (https://<redacted>:2443) at /usr/local/libexec/git-core/git-svn line 943 specially at this part: Could not authenticate to server: ignored NTLM challenge It looks like your company also changed autentication methods too. … Read more