How to fix “Fail to connect to camera service” exception in Android emulator

From the Android Developers Docs: Calling throws an exception if the camera is already in use by another application, so we wrap it in a try block. Try wrapping that code in a try catch block like so: try { releaseCameraAndPreview(); if (camId == 0) { mCamera =; } else { mCamera = … Read more

AVD – PANIC: Could not open… – not a path issue

This has been asked a few times already, try these: Create a environment variable called: ANDROID_SDK_HOME and set it to C:\Users\Administrator Open Eclipse > Window > Preferences and click in Run/Debug and String Substitution Add a new variable called: user.home and set it to C:\Users\Administrator Create an AVD and run it. Original answer by Colin … Read more

Intel HAXM on macOS high sierra (10.13)

The command line installation doesn’t work and gives unsupported mac os version error, while the installation through IntelHAXM_6.2.1.mpkg works but kext is not loaded due to “Approved Kernel Extension Loading” changes, So you will need to allow the extensions from Intel and restart your mac, then launch the emulator like from inside Android Studio, To … Read more