How to Read an embedded resource as array of bytes without writing it to disk?

You are actually already reading the stream to a byte array, why not just stop there? public static byte[] ExtractResource(String filename) { System.Reflection.Assembly a = System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly(); using (Stream resFilestream = a.GetManifestResourceStream(filename)) { if (resFilestream == null) return null; byte[] ba = new byte[resFilestream.Length]; resFilestream.Read(ba, 0, ba.Length); return ba; } } edit: See comments for a … Read more

How to create an email with embedded images that is compatible with the most mail clients

I’ve had success with exactly the same headers as you’re using, with the following differences: Embedded is not a valid value for the Content-Disposition header. attachment should be fine. inline should also be fine, though I’ve usually seen attachment for multipart/related embedded images. The value of the Content-ID header is supposed to be in the … Read more

How to refer to Embedded Resources from XAML?

When you set the BuildAction to Resource it goes as embedded resource in an assembly. Or you can set BuildAction to Content then it will bundled into the resulting .xap file. You can use any one of these BuildActions. By setting BuildAction to Content you can access Image like: “/Resources/Images/darkaurora.png” (must begin with slash). And … Read more

How to reference embedded images from CSS?

<% = WebResource(“image1.jpg”) %> You can use above statement inside your CSS file, and while you register your CSS with WebResourceAttribute, you can set “PerformSubstitution” to true Default.css body{ background: <%=WebResource(“xyz.jpg”)%> } [assembly, WebResource(“Default.css”,”text/css”, PerformSubstitution=true)] [assembly, WebResource(“xyz.jpg”,”image/jpg”)]

Using custom VirtualPathProvider to load embedded resource Partial Views

Because now you are serving your views from some unknown location there is no longer the ~/Views/web.config file which applies and indicates the base class for your razor views (<pages pageBaseType=”System.Web.Mvc.WebViewPage”>). So you could add an @inherits directive at the top of each embedded view to indicate the base class. @inherits System.Web.Mvc.WebViewPage @model …

Strange behavior of Class.getResource() and ClassLoader.getResource() in executable jar

I thought this question was already asked and answered! What is the difference between Class.getResource() and ClassLoader.getResource()? getClass().getResource() searches relative to the .class file while getClass().getClassLoader().getResource() searches relative to the classpath root. If there’s an SSCCE here, I don’t understand why it doesn’t 1) Show the directory organization in the .jar, and… 2) Take package … Read more

Eclipse exported Runnable JAR not showing images

Works fine for me. Check what you may have different. Example 1: (resources in src) Steps: File Structure Code package com.stackoverflow.test; import; import javax.swing.*; // Wild carded for brevity. // Actual code imports single classes public class Main { public static void main(String[] args) { SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable(){ public void run() { URL url = … Read more
