What is qobject_cast?

Before you start learning what qobject_cast is, you would need to know what C++’s dynamic_cast is. Dynamic cast is all about polymorphism. C++’s dynamic cast uses RTTI (Run Time Type Information) to cast an object. But qobject_cast does this without RTTI. What is dynamic cast? For example suppose we’ve got a car factory function. Like … Read more

How expensive are dynamic casts in C++?

1200 dynamic_casts per second is not likely to be a major performance problem. Are you doing one dynamic_cast per image, or a whole sequence of if statements until you find the actual type? If you’re worried about performance, the fastest ways to implement polymorphism are: — fastest — Function overloading (compile-time polymorphism only) CRTP (compile-time … Read more

dynamic_cast with RTTI disabled

Reading the standard, in 5.2.7/6 we find that unless the target is an unambiguous base of the source, source must be a polymorphic type. Then in 10.3/1 Virtual functions support dynamic binding and objectoriented programming. A class that declares or inherits a virtual function is called a polymorphic class. In other words the standard doesn’t … Read more

How to perform a dynamic_cast with a unique_ptr?

Update The question has been clarified: sorry I was not clear. I want the ownership to remain with original owner, the called function should only get reference to it, not ownership. Not looking for two smart pointer for the same object. In that case, the solution is simply: dynamic_cast<B&>(*my_unique_ptr) Done. It throws if the cast … Read more

How is dynamic_cast implemented

How can the dynamic_cast know whether Derived2 was derived from Derived (what if Derived was declared in a different library)? The answer to that is surprisingly simple: dynamic_cast can know this by keeping this knowledge around. When the compiler generates code it keeps around the data about the class hierarchies in some sort of table … Read more

dynamic_cast across a shared_ptr?

If you just want to call a function from B you can use one of these: std::shared_ptr<A> ap = …; dynamic_cast<B&>(*ap).b_function(); if (B* bp = dynamic_cast<B*>(ap.get()) { … } In case you actually want to get a std::shared_ptr<B> from the std::shared_ptr<A>, you can use use std::shared_ptr<B> bp = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<B>(ap);

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