Generate Protobuf documentation? [closed]

[Update: Aug 2017. Adapted to the full Go rewrite of protoc-gen-bug, currently 1.0.0-rc] The protoc-doc-gen, created by @estan (see also his earlier answer) provides a good and easy way to generate your documentation in html, json, markdown, pdf and other formats. There are number of additional things that I should mention: estan is no longer … Read more

Objective-C Documentation Generators: HeaderDoc vs. Doxygen vs. AppleDoc

As the creator and lead developer of doxygen, let me also provide my perspective (obviously biased as well 😉 If you are looking for a 100% faithful replica of Apple’s own documentation style, then AppleDoc is a better choice in that respect. With doxygen you’ll have a hard time to get that exact same look, … Read more

How do I create documentation with Pydoc?

Another thing that people may find useful…make sure to leave off “.py” from your module name. For example, if you are trying to generate documentation for ‘original’ in ‘‘: yourcode_dir$ pydoc -w no Python documentation found for ‘’ yourcode_dir$ pydoc -w original wrote original.html

How to use Swift documentation comments

This answer was last revised for Swift 5.7 and Xcode 14.x. DocC is Apple’s documentation compiler that takes comments (plus additional resources) and produces rich documentation that can be viewed in Xcode or hosted on web. Writing Documentation Type /// or /** */ to begin a documentation comment and then use DocC’s special dialect of … Read more

How to document a method with parameter(s)?

Since docstrings are free-form, it really depends on what you use to parse code to generate API documentation. I would recommend getting familiar with the Sphinx markup, since it is widely used and is becoming the de-facto standard for documenting Python projects, in part because of the excellent service. To paraphrase an example from … Read more

JSDoc: Return object structure

Define your structure separately using a @typdef: /** * @typedef {Object} Point * @property {number} x – The X Coordinate * @property {number} y – The Y Coordinate */ And use it as the return type: /** * Returns a coordinate from a given mouse or touch event * @param {TouchEvent|MouseEvent|jQuery.Event} e * A valid … Read more

Does Swift have documentation generation support?

Documentation comments are supported natively in Xcode, producing smartly rendered documentation in Quick Help (both in the popover when ⌥-clicking symbols, and in the Quick Help Inspector ⌥⌘2). Symbol documentation comments are now based on the same Markdown syntax used by rich playground comments, so a lot of what you can do in playgrounds can … Read more