Converting docker-compose to a helm chart?
The kompose tool now includes the ability to convert to Helm charts from docker-compose.yml files: kompose convert -c Check out the kompose Alternative Conversions documentation (also here).
The kompose tool now includes the ability to convert to Helm charts from docker-compose.yml files: kompose convert -c Check out the kompose Alternative Conversions documentation (also here).
If you are using the values from the env file by name, like below. You can use posix parameter expansion like shown to get default value behavior. Compose will use the value for that variable from .env file or if it’s set in your shell, otherwise it will default to default-value. services: myapp: environment: SOME_VALUE: … Read more
To elaborate on the original accepted answer, just change your docker-compose.yml file so that it contains this as your entrypoint: version: “3.7” services: server: image: alpine:latest secrets: – test entrypoint: [ ‘/bin/sh’, ‘-c’, ‘export TEST=$$(cat /var/run/secrets/test) ; source /’ ] secrets: test: external: true That way you don’t need any additional files!
You can use docker-compose pull to fetch images. Then if they are present already, Compose will not try to build them again. To be really sure to avoid rebuilds, you can use –no-build. docker-compose pull docker-compose up -d –no-build Your real problem is that you are specifying a build context, but then trying to use … Read more
Lets see the result running the following compose file: version: “3” services: service: image: alpine command: env env_file: env.conf env.conf: TEST_VAR1=The value TEST_VAR2=”The value2″ docker-compose up Result: service_1 | PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin service_1 | TEST_VAR2=”The value2″ service_1 | TEST_VAR1=The value service_1 | HOME=/root Therefore, it is legal to have spaces in the env value.
For those who are running DB on different machine, you can do the following: First, from where the container is, run docker ps to get the containers details including the Container ID [root@test-001 ~]# docker ps CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES 1b02333fb3b9 tutum/nginx “/usr/sbin/nginx” 6 weeks ago Up 7 days>80/tcp docker_nginx_1 … Read more
Updated answer 02/2024: docker_compose_v2 is out since community.docker v3.6.0. You can copy docker-compose.yml and run Compose such as: – name: copy Docker Compose files copy: src: files/{{ item }} dest: /somewhere/yourproject/{{ item }} loop: – docker-compose.yml – # use files parameter to use multiple docker-compose.yml files # mind the _v2 suffix – name: deploy … Read more
Your docker-compose.yml should look like this: version: ‘2’ services: web: build: context: ./web args: REQUIREMENTS: “requirements_dev.txt” Your Dockerfile should define the build-argument using ARG like this: FROM python:3.5 ENV PYTHONUNBUFFERED 1 ENV APP_ROOT /usr/src/app ARG REQUIREMENTS … COPY $REQUIREMENTS $APP_ROOT/ RUN pip install -r $APP_ROOT/$REQUIREMENTS I validated this and created a minified functional demo at … Read more
I did a bit more research and seem to have used better key words because I have found my solution now. I wanted to share the solution with everyone, in case someone else may ever need it. Create a folder for configuring the Docker service through systemd mkdir /etc/systemd/system/docker.service.d Create a service configuration file at … Read more