How to properly add and use D3 Events?

This question is similar to the one you posted in the d3-js Google Group. Without duplicating what I wrote there, I would reiterate that you probably don’t want d3.dispatch; that is intended for custom event abstractions (such as brushes and behaviors). It’ll be simpler to use native events. If you want your legend to change … Read more

CLR implementation of virtual method calls to interface members

That article is more than 10 years old, and a lot has changed since then. IVMaps have now been superseded by Virtual Stub Dispatch. Virtual stub dispatching (VSD) is the technique of using stubs for virtual method invocations instead of the traditional virtual method table. In the past, interface dispatch required that interfaces had process-unique … Read more

What is dispatch used for in django?

The dispatch method takes in the request and ultimately returns the response. Normally, it returns a response by calling (ie, dispatching to) another method like get. Think of it as a middleman between requests and responses. Normally, it simply decides what method in the class (e.g. get(),post(), etc) should be used (ie, dispatched) based on … Read more

Get current dispatch queue?

If you are working with an NSOperationQueue, it can provide the current dispatch queue for you. NSOperationQueue has the class function [NSOperationQueue currentQueue], which returns the current queue as a NSOperationQueue object. To get the dispatch queue object you can use [NSOperationQueue currentQueue].underlyingQueue, which returns your currrent queue as a dispatch_queue_t. Swift 3: if let … Read more

Is there a way to store a function in a list or dictionary so that when the index (or key) is called it fires off the stored function?

Functions are first class objects in Python and so you can dispatch using a dictionary. For example, if foo and bar are functions, and dispatcher is a dictionary like so. dispatcher = {‘foo’: foo, ‘bar’: bar} Note that the values are foo and bar which are the function objects, and NOT foo() and bar(). To … Read more

Using a dispatch_once singleton model in Swift

tl;dr: Use the class constant approach if you are using Swift 1.2 or above and the nested struct approach if you need to support earlier versions. From my experience with Swift there are three approaches to implement the Singleton pattern that support lazy initialization and thread safety. Class constant class Singleton { static let sharedInstance … Read more