ES6 — How to destructure from an object with a string key?

Destructure it by providing a valid key name like const { hello_en, ‘hello_zh-CN’: hello_zHCN, …rest } = data Working snippet var data = { hello_en: ‘hello world’, ‘hello_zh-CN’: ‘世界您好’, something: ‘nice day’, something_else: ‘isn\’t it’ } const { hello_en, ‘hello_zh-CN’: hello_zHCN, …rest } = data console.log(hello_zHCN);

Destructuring Variables Performance

It’s not necessarily true that a compiler/transpiler will always remove destructuring assignments as all evergreen browsers support destructuring natively as of 2020. As per, there is some evidence that as of at least 2018 the bytecode generated in V8 by a destructuring assignment is much more verbose than traditional function parameters: Function Parameters: function add(number1, … Read more

Java object destructuring

Java Language Architect Brian Goetz has recently talked about adding destructuring to an upcoming version of Java. Look for the Sidebar: pattern matching chapter in his paper: Towards Better Serialization I strongly dislike the current proposal of the syntax, but according to Brian your use case will look like the following (please note, that at … Read more

Is it possible to destructure instance/member variables in a JavaScript constructor?

There are multiple ways of doing this. The first one uses destructuring only and assigns the properties of options to properties on this: class Foo { constructor(options) { ({one:, two: this.two} = options); // Do something else with the other options here } } The extra parentheses are needed, otherwise the JS engine might … Read more
