Update DataSet structure in Visual Studio to match new SQL Database Structure

From the MSDN Forums: If you right-click the TableAdapter in the Dataset Designer and click ‘Configure’ the TableAdapter Configuration Wizard opens where you can reconfigure the main query that defines the schema of your table. This should leave the additional TableAdapter queries (the additional methods) that were added after initial configuration. Of course the additional … Read more

Are there any example data sets for Python?

You can use rpy2 package to access all R datasets from Python. Set up the interface: >>> from rpy2.robjects import r, pandas2ri >>> def data(name): … return pandas2ri.ri2py(r[name]) Then call data() with any dataset’s name of the available datasets (just like in R) >>> df = data(‘iris’) >>> df.describe() Sepal.Length Sepal.Width Petal.Length Petal.Width count 150.000000 … Read more

How to customize hover-template on with what information to show

For Plotly Express, you need to use the custom_data argument when you create the figure. For example: fig = px.scatter( data_frame=df, x=’ColX’, y=’ColY’, custom_data=[‘Col1’, ‘Col2’, ‘Col3’] ) and then modify it using update_traces and hovertemplate, referencing it as customdata. For example: fig.update_traces( hovertemplate=”<br>”.join([ “ColX: %{x}”, “ColY: %{y}”, “Col1: %{customdata[0]}”, “Col2: %{customdata[1]}”, “Col3: %{customdata[2]}”, ]) ) … Read more

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