Composer & Cygwin

Just tripped over the same problem and found a solution. Posting it here, just in case I’ll ever have to look it up again. Set up a bin directory right under /home/my-username: cd ~ mkdir bin Move the composer.phar (or any other of those nifty new PHP imps that are on the rise) into the … Read more

Difference between msysgit and Cygwin + git?

Edit 2018: Since my 2010-2012-2014 answer, in 2015 Git for Windows uses msys2, as I detail here. See more in “How are msys, msys2, and msysgit related to each other?”. Edit (2 more years later: October 2014) Johannes Schindelin just explained (Oct. 2014) that msysgit is phased out: We now have a light-weight Git for … Read more

Running Git through Cygwin from Windows

I confirm that git and msysgit can coexist on the same computer, as mentioned in “Which GIT version to use cygwin or msysGit or both?”. Git for Windows (msysgit) will run in its own shell (dos with git-cmd.bat or bash with Git Bash.vbs) Update 2016: msysgit is obsolete, and the new Git for Windows now … Read more

How to run make from Cygwin environment?

You have to install the make command. Run the Cygwin installation/configuration program, setup-x86_64.exe or setup-x86.exe (you should already have it, downloaded from here). When you get to the screen that lets you select packages to install, find make and select it (it’s probably under “Development” or something similar). Then you’ll be able to run make … Read more
