Use SVN Revision to label build in CCNET

CruiseControl.Net 1.4.4 has now an Assembly Version Labeller, which generates version numbers compatible with .Net assembly properties. In my project I have it configured as: <labeller type=”assemblyVersionLabeller” incrementOnFailure=”true” major=”1″ minor=”2″/> (Caveat: assemblyVersionLabeller won’t start generating svn revision based labels until an actual commit-triggered build occurs.) and then consume this from my MSBuild projects with MSBuildCommunityTasks.AssemblyInfo … Read more

SVN checkout ignore folder

You can’t directly ignore folders on a checkout, but you can use sparse checkouts in svn 1.5. For example: $ svn co http://subversion/project/trunk my_checkout –depth immediates This will check files and directories from your project trunk into ‘my_checkout’, but not recurse into those directories. Eg: $ cd my_checkout && ls bar/ baz foo xyzzy/ Then … Read more

CruiseControl [.Net] vs TeamCity for continuous integration?

I have worked on and with Continuous Integration tools since the one that spawned Cruise Control (java version). I’ve tried almost all of them at some point. I’ve never been happier than I am with TeamCity. It is very simple to set up and still provides a great deal of power. The build statistics page … Read more
